Sep 29, 2010

slap me if i whine. again.

hari ni saja

I ate



oh syabas!

haha. after eating all that, someone posted a link that counts your BMI stuff to know whether you have to lose weight or not.

and it said that I don't have to lose weight. haha!

sambung makannn.............

try la. here! then join me makan chocolate tak berenti k. hihi ;)

perlu ke sekarang?

kenapa la semua macam nak happen now? when i'm on my PMS.

first, this.

then, that.

now, aaaah!

if i post some emo stuff, esoknya i'll feel like bodoh gila.


yg kedua will always be the second one.
walaupun sebenarnya the achievement is the best from anyone else.
ok maybe that is from the outside. zahir. duniawi
secara batin and rohani, akhlak, loser gila.

so you'll never be number one.
for you. them.

ok. fine.

but i'm still exist you know.

Sep 25, 2010

humans forget.

the all-Knower said in Quran, "Know that the life of this world is only play and amusement, pomp and mutual boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children." al-hadid:20 .

oh Allah, we seek refuge only from You!

It was posted by a friend of mine regarding the fairytale wedding.

Sep 9, 2010

bye ramadhan =(

selamat hari raya
maaf zahir batin