Oct 27, 2010

now, you can call me.

ok. i've been on this page for hours but i don't know what to write.

today i got a belated belated birthday present.
and this is it.

nokia c3 y'all!
thank you loves! hehe =)
it's from alyaa and hafiz.
they can't tahan see me torture (ketuk2 dinding) and suffer my late phone.
and can't tahan calling me but no answer(sbb d late one's mic rusak)
they gave me this c3.

i should name it.
but not right now.
tgh blank.
even nak reg ovi pun boleh blank wtf haha.

ahh thank you thank you!
aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh thank youuuuuuu!

p/s: a heads up, i'm suck at surprise thingy. so excuse my reactions. but deep down, i'm like shit grateful and very very thankful. ngeeeeeeeeeeee =) =) =)

aaa gosh! am i dreaming?


Suraya. said...

oh! hahaha
aku ke org first yg call td?

enjoy dgn hp baru yaww!

Suraya. said...

oh ha. bleh la nnti aku pegi umah ko tumpang charge phone.

Sarah M said...

heeeeeeee aah kau org 1st call! hehe

boleh2. hehe

Sakinah Amran said...

meh i lempang skit kasik tak mimpi dah :P