Oct 14, 2010

small world

mesti korang pernah had this conversation,

"omaigott, u kawan *dumdum* ke? dia neighbor i kot."

"eh, how u two know each other?"

"laaaa... korang dah kenal ke? xyah la perkenalkan then ;p"

yes. kau orang mesti pernah been through this.
kadang-kadang i rasa macam kenapa dunia ni kecik sangat? habislah aku! okay. this applies to people who did lots of shit in their life. who tries to cover it change.

kalau you were someone yang dikagumi, pandai, baik whatever then you'll be happy with small world kot.


sudahlah. mari kita start make ourself proud so that future you won't feel such a shit.

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