Kawan2 saya mesti macam, "kau ingat kau kat mana? Indonesia je pun."
Iyer memang saya kat Indonesia je pun.
Bila cuaca kat Indo ni pelik2 sikit, mesti saya risau pasal negara saya.
Lately kat sini, angin sangat kencang. Pokok tumbang, bumbung my faculty tercabut, atap rumah sakit pun tercabut, ada showroom motor runtuh because of angin.
The winds memang wow.
Se-knowledge yang saya ada, mungkin this is because of la niena in Pacific ocean.
Australia banjir besar. Mudflood in Brazil lagi la. Inalillah.
I text kiwi asking how he is, tak reply pulak. Hope all is fine. Amien.
Saya call mama semalam, she said hujan je. On and off. Alhamdulillah everything's fine.
And taktau kenapa(maybe because her birthday is coming), saya sangat rindu my sister kecik ayesha safiyyah. And I asked my mom to give her the phone and here how it goes ;
Me: hai nye.
Nye: HAI KAK YAYA! (okay semangat sikit time ni)
Me: Apa khabar~~?
Nye: Khabar baik~~ (~ = this shows that mcm nada berlagu sikit. u know when u talk to lil kids u tend to have mcm melodi haha)
Me: Rindu kak yaya tak?
Nye: Yerr. (okay tu je ke?)
Me: Macam mana sekolah?
Nye: Ooookayy~~
Then terus dia cakap dengan cepat,
Nye: Okay la kak yaya. Nye nak pergi main. Bye.
-.-" kids. Dahla lama gila tak talk with her.
Okaylah. Bye.
I nak melayang. like a g6. hahahah
MISS youuu. my ym kinda lost one wire. dunno what's happening. will get back to you once the thing got fixed.
malaysia sihat sihat aja dong. i tak sihat sangat. lovesick that is. hahaha. err not that I'm in love. sarah help me!
lovesick or sick of love? gahaha.
no wonder u din reply my textssssss on ym. sheesh. faster get it fix!
let's fly high like a g6! haha
fyi, tiket coming here in feb and mac is tgh cheap and ehemm my bday is coming hahahhahaha
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