Jan 31, 2011

Pray for them.

I know about it but I don't know how bad it is.
Ternyata, quite bad. Worse than us here. Worse than volcanic eruption.

Copy from a blog.

Bila baca balik rentetan kejadian yang berlaku di Mesir sekarang ni, aku rasa sangat kesian kepada pelajar di sana. Aku faham sangat situasi mereka dan aku rasa apa yang mereka alami sekarang berpuluh kali lebih teruk dengan keadaan di Moscow. Aku juga teringat kepada segelintir pembaca blog.ariff yang juga merupakan pelajar kursus perubatan di Mesir dan juga kawan-kawan seangkatan di MAI ni yang kebetulan menghabiskan masa cuti musim sejuk di sana. Harap mereka semua ni dan seluruh rakyat Malaysia di sana selama.

Inilah nasib pelajar kita yang belajar di luar negara kalau ditempatkan di negara kelas kedua atau ketiga. Aku rasa satu hari nanti kerajaan patut menghentikan daripada menghantar pelajar ke negara-negara yang bermasalah dan hanya menempatkan pelajar di negara maju sahaja. Sebentar tadi aku baru dapat mesej melalui Facebook daripada seorang pelajar Malaysia yang menuntut di Egypt berkenaan keadaan pelajar di sana dan aku rasa mesej ini perlu disampaikan kepada semua supaya kita tahu yang sepatutnya kerajaan kita perlu secepat mungkin menghantar bantuan dan mengeluarkan rakyat kita dari sana.

Salam Ariff, saya Nadia, a student in Egypt.

Ariff, kini saya berada di Malaysia kerana pulang untuk winter break, but when I got home, the condition in Egypt somehow got worse about the Hosni Mubarak thingy. Ramai yang sangka keadaan kat sana adalah okay, mengikut kata Jabatan Penuntut Kaherah Mesir dan Kedutaan Malaysia di sana, but there are parts that they don’t know:

Di tempat saya Mansoura, people got killed on the streets, houses are getting robbed and they are aiming to attack Malaysian students. There are about 6000 prisoners on the streets! Pelajar kita di Alexandria dirogol, airport dibakar dan anggota polis tidak lagi menjalankan tugas mereka.

Kita memohon supaya kerajaan Malaysia memandang serius hal ini. Bukan sahaja di Mansoura, malah di seluruh Mesir keselamatan rakyat kita terancam.

Segala update berkenaan keadaan di sana boleh dibaca melalui blog Krisis Mesir, Nasib Pelajar Kita

Jika ada cadangan di luar sana untuk membantu kami mendapatkan perhatian kerajaan Malaysia, sila hubungi Nurul Nadia Binti Md Zin di 017-3193923

Atau melalui:
Facebook: Nuvul Nadiva Dizavch
Twitter: DyyaDizarch
Blog: Nadia-ism
YM: nadia_mdzin2001@yahoo.com

Please let all Malaysians know about this. I will do the same but I need your help too especially to all the bloggers out there. May Allah save our citizens there.

- Nadia

So what can you do now?

  1. Kalau ada Twitter, retweet this. Aku sengaja mention @NajibRazak dalam tajuk entri supaya everytime orang retweet, akan automatically mention nama dia. Click the retweet button. Lagi banyak, lagi bagus. It show’s that things are really serious there and we care.
  2. Reblog this. Copy paste dan post dalam blog. Time ni memang aku galakkan sangat-sangat untuk korang copy paste.
  3. Share this on Facebook.

Yeah. So do your parts.

Let's pray for them. Pray for their safety.

p.s. susah takde fb. I don't how my friends are doing there.

Jan 27, 2011


I HATE THIS FEELING i hate this feeling I HATE THIS FEELING i hate this feeling I HATE THIS FEELING i hate this feeling I HATE THIS FEELING i hate this feeling I HATE THIS FEELING i hate this feeling I HATE THIS FEELING i hate this feeling I HATE THIS FEELING i hate this feeling

you know
the feeling, when
mata bertemu mata
senyum terukir di bibir
hati berbunga-bunga


u feel the fluids rush
the chemistry

leads u to;
clammy skin
rapid breathing
extreme cases-loss of consciousness (okay, lebayy)

I am poisoned by you.
by everything that you are.

okay, sila muntah sekarang.


Jan 21, 2011

"pushhh puuuushhhh pussshhhh!"

Yeayy next week I can see partus! or delivery. or ibu melahirkan. bersalin. beranak.
Hehe tak sabar. 1st time, biasalah kan.
I'll be in lab OBGYN for a week next week. Last week of clerkship yaww!

Lab IKA is bosan ever.
When a kid cries in the ruangan, semua nak menangis. Bingit telinga.
In poli lagi laaaa....
The crowd, the cry babies, the humidity, gosh memang menguji kesabaran.

But in this lab lah, I really bersyukur Alhamdulillah.
Sebab until now, saya Alhamdulillah sihat.
Kalau tengok patients, macam sedih.
They are innocent and most aetiology of their diseases are either idiopathic or congenital.
If it's because of their hygiene pun, they are not the one to blame.
They are kids.

This is
Causes ; genetic defects, infection during pregnancy

Pity, right?

Makanya, sila lah bersyukur banyak2 ke tuhan ya. For all these that He gives us.

Pernah tak rasa macam..

If someone is really being nice to you and helps you a lot, give u everything, you feel like u don't want to break their heart, you don't want to screw anything up with them. Macam if that someone asks for little things, you'll give it to them. You'll do anything.


Pernah tak rasa macam..

Allah is really nice to me, gives me everything that I wished for, if I look around, I feel lucky I am where/what I am now. But, what I give Him in return?
Don't look far, enough with ;
is ur solat cukup 5 waktu and on time?
tutup aurat tak?
how dusty is ur Quran?
Tapi sebenarnya if ur solat is solid, not just patuk ayam, everything else will come easy for you.

We'll do anything for our loved ones, but we can't do what Allah asks us to do. Shame there.

Sementara aku ingat, better I share with you all.
Sementara cahaya tengah menerangi.
Sementara syaitan2 tengah pergi tawaf kepala manusia lain. Haha.

Okay, renung-renungkanlah dan selamat beramal!
p.s. saya juga sedang merenung.

Jan 16, 2011


Like this freaking hot.

Well, tak semua lah.
But ada this one supervisor ni yang his body memang macam Mark sloan.
His tangan yang terkeluar urat and berketak-ketak makes me wonder kenapa boleh ada orang ngantuk in his lecture I didn't even blink!. Haha.

Haih if I have them as my supervisors, I'll score BIG time la in the exams.
And those maggots who like to lick ass-es, over my dead body if u want to lick theirs.
Haha. Eyy maggots, I am still annoy with u guys.
Awas lho.

Best part of bedah lab is....
jeng jeng jeng...
I get to wear jeans and all-time-favorite-footwear, SELIPAR JEPUN!

Pathetic gila. Dapat pakai selipur jepun pun happy semacam.

Bedah is over and next is IKA. Ilmu kesihatan Anak.
Tiny monsters!

Hurmm, too cute to be monster la pulak. Hee.

Okay, bye.

p.s. Have u guys watch Grey's anatomy s6 epi12? HOMAIIIIIGOOOTTTT TORRES IS PREGNANT WITH MARK'S BABYYYY... hahaha saya memang suka jadi spoiler.

Okay ni betul-betul, bye.

Jan 15, 2011

Apa khabar Malaysia?

Haha okay title poyo.
Kawan2 saya mesti macam, "kau ingat kau kat mana? Indonesia je pun."

Iyer memang saya kat Indonesia je pun.
Bila cuaca kat Indo ni pelik2 sikit, mesti saya risau pasal negara saya.
Lately kat sini, angin sangat kencang. Pokok tumbang, bumbung my faculty tercabut, atap rumah sakit pun tercabut, ada showroom motor runtuh because of angin.
The winds memang wow.
Kalau cik kiah ada kat sini mungkin kena ikat dia kat tali. Takut terbang melayang jauh. Haha.

Se-knowledge yang saya ada, mungkin this is because of la niena in Pacific ocean.
Australia banjir besar. Mudflood in Brazil lagi la. Inalillah.
I text kiwi asking how he is, tak reply pulak. Hope all is fine. Amien.

Saya call mama semalam, she said hujan je. On and off. Alhamdulillah everything's fine.

And taktau kenapa(maybe because her birthday is coming), saya sangat rindu my sister kecik ayesha safiyyah. And I asked my mom to give her the phone and here how it goes ;

Me: hai nye.
Nye: HAI KAK YAYA! (okay semangat sikit time ni)
Me: Apa khabar~~?
Nye: Khabar baik~~ (~ = this shows that mcm nada berlagu sikit. u know when u talk to lil kids u tend to have mcm melodi haha)
Me: Rindu kak yaya tak?
Nye: Yerr. (okay tu je ke?)
Me: Macam mana sekolah?
Nye: Ooookayy~~
Then terus dia cakap dengan cepat,
Nye: Okay la kak yaya. Nye nak pergi main. Bye.

-.-" kids. Dahla lama gila tak talk with her.

Okaylah. Bye.

Jan 13, 2011

Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind

Blow, blow, thou winter wind
Thou art not so unkind
As man's ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen,
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.

Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most friendship if feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then heigh-ho, the holly!
This life is most jolly.

Freeze, freeze thou bitter sky,
That does not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot:
Though thou the waters warp,
Thy sting is not so sharp
As a friend remembered not.
Heigh-ho! sing, heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most friendship if feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then heigh-ho, the holly!
This life is most jolly.

-William Shakespeare

And the world will be a better place for you and for me.

Serve God, love me and mend
This is not the end
Live unbruised, we are friends
And I'm sorry
I'm sorry

Sigh no more, no more
One foot in sea, one on shore
My heart was never pure
And you know me
And you know me

And man is a giddy thing
Oh man is a giddy thing
Oh man is a giddy thing
Oh man is a giddy thing

Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you
It will set you free
Be more like the man you were made to be
There is a design, an alignment to cry
And my heart to see,
The beauty of love as it was made to be

Jan 11, 2011

Tony A. Gaskins Jr
by TheKillerTRUTH
When you declare positivity, rest assure that there's an idiot near; coming to test your commitment.

Jan 10, 2011

I see loves in HIV ward

Last week I had to jaga ruangan 29, which is ruangan infeksi and many many HIV patients there.

Oh ya, sekarang saya sedang clerkship di Rumah Sakit. Apa itu clerkship? Boleh dibaca di blog kawan saya di sini. Tak penat pun sebenarnya. Tapi saya makin banyak tidur since masuk rumah sakit. Hence, saya dah jarang nak online.

Okay so I jaga ward 29. U know how HIV is transmitted, right? yeah yeah bla bla bla but mostly is through unprotected sex. And it is, how to say ah, it's ur own fault that u get HIV. Unless (nauzubillahhiminzalik), u kena rogol or kena suntik with their blood.

I told my friend, I wanted round the ward with a poster that says, "SERVE YOU RIGHT". Jahat, I know. Sumpah saya tiada empathy. Tapi in the ward, I can see loves. The patients screwed up BIG time but still ada orang stay with them. Friends, family. Ada this one guy lagi la. Ish ish rasa macam nak pelempang je, kau tak sedar2 lagi ke. Tapi his old man stay with him 24/7. That's love there. Sobs nak nangis. Tuhan, bagilah hidayah kepada mereka. Amien.

It's easy to stay away from HIV.
as easy as ABC.
Yang last options tu, C, banyak flavour lagi.
Teh hijau pun ada. boleh kuruskan badan. haha.

Lab Ilmu Penyakit Dalam (IPD) is awesome. Saya suka sangat. And should you. Best Best Best. Tak Penat Tak Penat Tak Penat. Baca 40x, tanamkan dalam otak dan hati. Semoga waktu co-Ass nanti we'll go through it happily and fine. even sebenarnya Amien.

Hari ni, minggu ini saya lab Bedah. Yeeha! They say surgeons are hot! Let's see... muahahaha..

Okay. Later!

p.s. saya dah beli kasut. sangat stress shopping. rasa macam nak nangis. dapat la satu kasut Rp50k = RM20. nak nangis okay bila size paling besar is 40 and ur kaki is 41 (-.-")

Jan 5, 2011

Weinbrenner FTW!

Kasut dah banyak gone. It is time to go back Malaysia. Nak kena beli banyak2 kasut. Tapi, macam dah takde cuti now =(

Serious kasut dah habis. 2 plastic bag of shoes are going to be campak ke tong sampah. Lately saya pakai heels ke fac. But now, in lab IPD, I have to wear full covered shoes. Terus saya pakai crocs ciplak my aunty kasi(which is act hers), pink color to the hospital. The only kasut tutup left. And rasa macam, wtf pakai baju biru kasut pink, baju hijau kasut pink. Erm, okay biasa kot tu. Last time, the only pair yang left is SD $15 RED color cotton on shoe. So, I pakai purple baju kurung with red shoe. Yeah.

Disebabkan ketandusan kasut dan sangat malas nak ke mall beli kasut sekolah, saya pun korek2 shelf and I found my old Weinbrenner shoes! and pakai macam still sedap. So yeay!

I tell you, it's okay to invest in good shoes. Takpelah mahal sikit, tahan bertahun2 tu.

Lebih kurang like this la kasut yang saya jumpa lepas korek2 rak kasut.
Kaulah yang terbaik. 4 tahun lebih tu!
Kalah orang berpacaran
Opss hahaha

And I wanna go back so I can get one of this.
It looks comfy.
This can be the kasut for Lab2 yang serious seperti IPD, OBGYN, SURGERY, IKA.
Or maybe this kasut?
Erm, No.
Macam Pocahontas.
This kasut I'll sure get one. Maybe two. Maybe Three.
Satu putih, satu kuning, satu purple.
I already have blue color.
Boleh dapat this for IDR 40,000. Kurang lebih RM 16.
So, boleh la kumpul banyak2 kan? =)
This one pun nice.
Kalau dengan baju kurung? Pastu pakai bagpack.
Budak sekolah, serious.
Okaylah tu kan?
At least I look young.

Kalau saya pakai kasut ni kat Rumah sakit,
what will patient think eh?
Ni pun nak masukkan dalam list 'kasut to buy' la.
Gantikan last sneakers yang selalu masuk air dari tapak. Banjir.

Haaaa ni the kasut untuk lab2 yang tak sibuk seperti Kulit, THT, Mata, etc.

Tapi if I nak beli killer heels, I think I'll buy this one, this color.
U also think so, rite?

Okay dah lama sangat saya mengarut kat sini.

Semoga post ini dapat memanggil sponsor2 kasut saya yang tercinta yang sekarang berada di Malaysia, untuk terdetak hati mengepost lima satu pasang kasut ke saya.
Fuhhh fuhhhh. Amin.

Hahah. K, bye.

Jan 2, 2011

sweet surprise =)

Thank you.
Thank you mama, baba.
Thank you Allah.
Thank you =)

p.s. The post is empty because there are no exact words to describe it. Just thanks =)

Jan 1, 2011

mama, saya mahu kawin

After balik from Kak Keen and Abg Dimas's wedding,
I terasa macam nak kawin.

Mama, I nak kawin.
Tapi tadi waktu Kak Keen campak bunga, I tak dapat sambut. =(


Selamat Pengantin Baru!